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T H E     H A P  P  Y    P L A C E


Our mission is to ensure every child has an enjoyable experience in their first classroom environment. We have a curriculum that will prepare them academically and socially.


Children learn through play, social interaction, exploration, and instruction. Daily activities include all of these aspects of learning, both inside and outside the classroom. Classroom activities include, but are not limited to, music, creative movement, art, science, social interaction, language, math, prewriting, field trips, and dramatic play.


We group all ages together because we believe it is beneficial for both younger and older students. Our older students are able to take on leader roles and more responsibilities in the classroom. Younger students are able to see this example from older students, and get help, if needed. Class is Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday to avoid canceled class because of holidays, and This will get them in the routine of going to school every day! 


Preschool Daily Schedule



10:00-10:15 Drop off, activity of choice


10:15-10:30 Hello song, name practice, calendar, weather, pledge, alphabet, theme


10:30-10:55 Free Play


10:55-11:05 Snack, theme talk/exploration


11:05-11:30 art/science/math/writing


11:30-11:50 Reading Corner (reading, singing, music)


11:50-12:00 review, clean up, pick up



"It is through others that we become ourselves."

- Lev S Vygotsky

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